Juvenile Law

Virginia Attorneys Advocate for Juveniles in the Justice System

Dedicated lawyers assist minors in the Richmond metro area

Juvenile law exists because the courts and society believe that young people should be treated differently than adults under the law. The juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation for youthful offenders so that mistakes made early in life don't penalize them for the rest of their lives. At McCaul Martin, P.C., our attorneys represent young people in the Richmond metro area and throughout Virginia who are charged with criminal offenses. We also advocate for vulnerable minors in situations where they are at risk of harm from an adult guardian. When you seek our help, you can be confident that knowledgeable and professional juvenile law attorneys — who understand the Virginia juvenile system and the state’s courts — are on your side.

Knowledgeable counselors defend juveniles accused of misconduct

The primary concern for most parents is the safety of their children. When those children face criminal charges, it's important to seek skilled legal counsel experienced in juvenile law and the juvenile court system. We draw on our extensive background to provide comprehensive representation to juveniles in cases that may involve:

  • Underage drinking
  • Theft crimes
  • Drug offenses
  • Vandalism
  • Criminal trespass
  • Shoplifting
  • Assault and battery

Juvenile court judges have a range of options when handling the cases that come before them. While they must balance the needs of the youthful offender with those of the public's safety, they are more likely to recommend probation and treatment programs rather than confinement to a juvenile facility, but their rulings depend upon the severity of the charge. Our experience enables us to anticipate how local judges and juvenile courts will approach your child's case so we can be fully prepared to represent their rights and seek the most favorable outcome under the circumstances.

Skilled advisers protect your young person's educational and employment prospects

If your child is being accused of, charged with or investigated in connection with a criminal offense, time is of the essence. Delay can cause valuable legal advantages to be lost while you are waiting to secure legal representation. We understand the severity of the situation and work diligently to ensure that your child’s mistakes don’t follow him or her into adulthood. Our wealth of juvenile law experience gives us a thorough understanding of the approaches that courts and judges respond most favorably to. We are committed to pursuing sentencing options that prevent your son or daughter from having a criminal record so that just one youthful mistake doesn't affect their ability to attend college or pursue a meaningful career in the future.

Responsive attorneys advocate for juveniles facing harm

In addition to representing juveniles accused of misconduct, we also represent youth in abuse and neglect proceedings where they have been harmed or are at risk of being harmed by a parent or guardian. The state government may intervene in such cases to protect vulnerable youth by appointing attorneys to act as guardians ad litem, advocating for their interests and welfare. If courts believe that a young person is at risk, they may offer programs for the family that offer rehabilitation and reunification, but in extreme cases, a parent's rights may be terminated. We act on behalf of juveniles when their rights and safety are jeopardized.

Contact experienced Virginia juvenile law attorneys

McCaul Martin, P.C. represents youth throughout Virginia in a full range of juvenile law matters. When your son or daughter needs help, we provide advice and advocacy to protect their rights and future. Call us at 888-319-6406 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Mechanicsville office.

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